
Congratulations on your engagement! We are delighted to walk alongside members of our congregation who wish to enter into Christian marriage, and would love to connect with you if you are new to St. George’s and looking for a church to make your spiritual home as an engaged/married couple.

Marriage is an extension of the worshipping life of our congregation, and we are pleased to offer wedding ceremonies to active members of the church who have undergone the preparation process. If you are new to the church and would like to be married here, we invite you to use this time to determine if you would like to make it your spiritual home as a couple. Please contact our Vicar, Tyler Wigg-Stevenson, for more information.

We highly value Christian marriage and want to prepare you for the joy of this lifelong covenant. Our marriage preparation process has two steps:  

  1. The Pre-Marriage Course, a five-session class on the skills required for a successful marriage, which is offered as needed. 

  2. Pre-marital counseling for the couple with the priest performing your wedding (usually 3-4 meetings).

Both steps are required for a wedding at St. George’s. Couples should plan to complete the course and the counseling before their desired wedding date.  

Please note that couples wishing to be married at St. George’s are expected to be regular participants in the church for at least three months prior to the wedding, and at least one member of the couple must be baptized. All marriages at the church must be performed by St. George’s clergy.

St. George’s we affirm that “marriage is a gift of God and a means of God’s grace, in which man and woman become one flesh. It is God’s purpose that, as husband and wife give themselves to each other in love, they shall grow together and be united in that love, as Christ is united with his Church” (Book of Alternative Services). We uphold the marriage policy of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, which directs churches to “treat with respect the diversity of views about the theology of marriage”, a diversity that exists in our congregation, as we learn and grow together”.